In a psychic reading, you'll get the resources and tools you need to make inspired choices and find your path for moving forward. A reading is helpful when:
You know your life needs a change, in big or small ways, but you don't know where to start.
You've stopped trusting your intuition and need help finding answers to some mighty big questions.
You're ready to take the next step—in a relationship, toward a new career, with a passion project—and are wishing for more clarity before making it.
You feel held back by indecision, even though you ache to move forward into a life you love.
How I help clients
My clients reach out for help for many reasons.
Often because they feel like there's something missing but can't put a finger on what it is or how to bring it into focus.
Or it's time for something different and they'd like help to create the next best steps and support as they manifest profound change.
Or they find themselves consciously or unconsciously choosing the same familiar but unhelpful path again and again and want to go outside a traditional path to find the reasons why.
Schedule your session
My sessions are $135 for a 60-minute session. I offer an 15% discount for pre-paid session packages.